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Tahche Commits to Business Innovation on Its IBPAP Membership Anniversary

As Tahche celebrated its anniversary as an IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP) member on October 10, 2023, it renewed its commitment to driving business innovation within its organization and the larger recruitment industry. Tahche also reaffirms its support of  IBPAP as it marches towards its ambitious mission, aiming to achieve multiple goals for industry innovation as outlined in their Roadmap 2028.



IBPAP Agenda — A Roadmap to 2028


IBPAP’s vision, encapsulated in the Roadmap 2028, propels the Philippines to the forefront of the global business landscape, becoming the world’s premier destination for “digitally-enabled and customer-centric services.” All while growing the country’s economy through inclusive and sustainable approaches.



By 2028, IBPAP aims to achieve the following milestones:


Strategic Growth: IBPAP is striving to increase employment within the IT & Business Process industry to 2.5 million full-time equivalent positions and attain an impressive annual revenue of US$59 billion.


Pioneering Transformation: They aim to transform the country’s IT & Business Process industry to become the top experience destination  (i.e., Customer Experience, Employee Experience, and User Experience), able to provide a skilled workforce that can take on advanced tasks and specialized jobs. 


Impact and Sustainability: They want to positively and profoundly impact the country’s economic and social growth through initiatives guided by the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) agenda


Tahche x IBPAP


Tahche, as a proud member of the IBPAP family, aligns itself ardently with this vision. 


Committed to driving business innovation, we aim to stand as a beacon of progress within the recruitment industry.


This anniversary celebration, our desire to shape a future that embodies excellence, growth, and sustainability only grows even more fervent. 


Join us in driving the future of work through recruitment innovation. Sign up with Tahche today. 

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