
The latest updates and information on what’s happening in and around Tahche.

Business-Friendly and Flexible Offshore Staffing Solutions for SMBs

Many providers of offshore staffing solutions target large, growing companies by offering their services hand-in-hand with a lock-in period and a set minimum number of hires. In doing so, they secure profits as they provide the advantages of offshoring to big corporations like Microsoft and Apple, organizations that have thousands, if not millions of dollars to spend for business scaling. At the same time, they effectively shut out small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that are understandably more risk-averse and have a lesser budget to accommodate such terms.


Yet when one of the biggest advantages of offshoring is its cost-effectiveness, why are the organizations that need it most the ones least able to access it?


SMBs face unique challenges that require innovative solutions. Tahche, a leading offshoring service provider, understands the needs of SMBs and has tailored its services to address these pain points. With a range of business-friendly features, a flexible approach, and a commitment to supporting growth, Tahche aims to be the ideal partner for SMBs.


No Lock-In Period: Your Freedom, Our Priority


One of the most significant concerns for SMBs considering offshoring services is the fear of being locked into a long-term commitment. With a lock-in period, their money is also locked into a service provider which they may still be unfamiliar with, or whose results may not be what’s expected. When you’re a small or medium-sized business with only a relatively small amount of capital and profits to go around, this is a huge risk.



Tahche eliminates this worry by offering a no lock-in period policy. We understand that business needs can change rapidly, and our aim is to be adaptable to evolving requirements. With Tahche, you have the freedom to scale up or down your offshoring operations as per your business needs. As you do so, we also provide the necessary legal support to ensure that you are able to manage your offshore employees without fear of negative repercussions. 


No Employee, No Pay: Reducing Financial Risk


Managing a tight budget is a reality for many SMBs, especially for startups who have just begun their business journey with a bit of capital and a lot of prayer. 



Tahche recognizes this and offers a no-employee-no-pay policy to mitigate financial risks. Unlike traditional outsourcing models that often require long-term contracts that have clients pay even when offshore employees are yet to be hired, Tahche only asks for a one-time mobilization fee and won’t charge a client further until an employee is hired for their specific business needs. This means that you only pay for the productive hours worked by your offshore team members. 


This approach ensures that you only bear costs when you see tangible results, saving you valuable resources and providing greater financial flexibility.


No Minimum Number of Hires: Tailored to Your Needs


Offshoring is a great business solution to skill gaps when hiring professionals that a business needs to operate and grow. It is also a cost-effective solution that avoids the surcharge of hard-to-find skills and high office leasing rates, a sickness of most first-world countries. That’s why it has become a popular business strategy to successful businesses globaly, and why business process outsourcing, of which offshore outsourcing is a part of, reached a $261.9 billion USD valuation in 2022


SMBs, however, don’t need ten, twenty, or a hundred employees right away, especially when they’re just starting out. They might only need an administrative assistant to begin with, to manage the many responsibilities of a new business owner. Or maybe a marketing specialist and a graphic designer to start building brand awareness. And they’d rather these employees housed offshore than lease a two-person office that probably costs more than their salaries combined. But their business needs are often deemed too small to be considered by other offshore staffing service providers.



Tahche breaks away from this restrictive practice and eliminates any minimum number of hires. Whether you need a single professional or an entire team, Tahche is committed to meeting your specific needs, regardless of the size of your organization. In fact, as of this moment, we have a number of clients with only one or two active offshore employees with us. And we’re excited to have them on board, because SMBs have a large potential for growth with a partner that understands, addresses, and meets their business needs. 


Supporting SMBs from the Ground Up


At Tahche, we believe that every business deserves an opportunity to leverage offshoring advantages and grow sustainably. With that, we aim to be your long-term partner in progress, whether you are a large corporation or a budding SMB.


Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing professional and personalized offshore recruiting services, offshore team support and strategic guidance, cost-effective office leasing in the Philippines, and other proactive solutions to help you navigate the complex world of offshoring. All with no lock-in periods, a no-employee-no-pay policy, and no minimum number of hires. 


With Tahche, you can count on a partner who will be there for you every step of the way.


Leave a message in the comment section below or sign up today to get in touch with us and begin exploring how Tahche can transform and grow your business through our flexible offshoring solutions. 

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