5 Interview questions you NEED to ask to hire the best employees

Ever wondered why some employees shine while others fade into the background? The secret often lies in the questions asked during the interview.


In this episode, Bryan shares his top five interview questions for hiring top employees. These questions go beyond the resume to uncover the true ability and potential of each candidate.


Question 1:Can you tell us about a time when you faced a significant challenge at work and how you overcame it?


This question gives you insights on a job candidate’s problem-solving skills and resilience. It also gives them the chance to brag about their achievements, which you might want to consider, especially when you want to replicate those successes within your company. 


Question 2: How do you prioritize your tasks when you have multiple deadlines to meet?


This question evaluates a job candidate’s time management and organizational skills. When they are asked this question and they are able to provide examples of past experiences and strategies used for prioritization, you will know how they act under pressure and how mature they are as a professional.


Question 3: Can you tell us about a time when you worked in a team, what your role was, and how you contributed to the team’s success?


This question determines teamwork, collaboration, and leadership abilities. It also reveals a job candidate’s specific contributions and explores how they handle different personalities at work. 

Plus, their answer gives you an idea of what the employee is comfortable with, how they prefer to be led, and if they jive with the company culture. 


Question 4: What motivates you to perform at your best?


This question reveals the candidate’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. It lets you identify how to pull the most out of an employee, whether it’s through money, promotion, leadership, or others. With this information, you can properly design compensation, benefits, and employee engagement activities so they can perform at a 100% and you can keep them as your rockstar employee. It makes it easier to be a leader to your potential employee. 


Question 5: If you were part of a bank heist, would you be the planner, the getaway guy, or the gunman? 


This fun question breaks the ice and reveals the type of role the job candidate prefers and what attitude you can expect from them. For example, someone who chooses to be a getaway guy may prefer to play it safe while someone who chooses to be the gunman may prefer to be the leader at front. Furthermore, it allows the job candidate to provide additional feedback via their explanations for their choices and actions.


Watch the full video for personal insights and anecdotes from Bryan!




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